When I was in college I had a friend who was the master of Top 10 lists (or top 7, top 4, top 9...you get it). There was the Top 10 Signs You're an Education Major (RIBTS anyone?). The Top 10 Signs for Calling it a Night at 20 Narry (Oyoyoyoyoyoy ay...deep in the jungle in the land of adventures...). My personal favorite, which I also helped create, the Top 10 Moments from Easter Weekend in North Branford (E's cousin, pregnant or not?).
In honor of those past top 10 lists, I bring you, the Top 10 Signs You're a New Mom... (Before proofreading, Signs was Sings. That could be on the list itself)
10. You can't find the laundry detergent. Until you need something in the fridge.
9. Your daughter somehow manages to pee all over you while feeding her. You get her changed. And then walk right out the door to go to the grocery store.
8. You pop a K-cup into the Keurig, snap the lid shut, press the button for a large and turn away to get the bottles ready for pumping. Might as well have just opened your mouth under the coffee flow, because without a mug that was just pointless.
7. You've been pooped, peed, and spit up on in a matter of minutes. Bonus points if you then Tweeted, Facebook-ed, Blogged, or Instagram-ed it.
6. You've used diaper rash cream. You, on yourself. That A&D stuff is seriously better than Windex.
5. You think that all pants should be maternity pants. I actually made a not pregnant friend try on my maternity jeans. She got it.
4. You can fit more in the bag you carry around than a magician can fit in his magic hat. That's because it's your purse, wallet, gym bag, overnight bag, and once in a while you throw in a diaper or two.
3. Spilled milk is actually something to cry over. Breastmilk, that is.
2. Multitasking has become an art form. You can pump, make phone calls, pay bills, fold laundry, write thank yous, and drink your morning coffee...all while playing Candy Crush Saga.
1. I forget what 1 is.
So there it is. Many of these are not necessarily mom-related, but motherhood just enhances them.
Also, I would be remiss if I mentioned 20 Narry in a post without mentioning one thing...f! (I miss you ladies!)
Totally awesome, as always!