Thursday, April 25, 2013

Smell the Tulips

I have good news for those of you who get so excited about my posts about poop.  Evelyn didn't poop today.  This can only mean good things for you in the next day or so, not so much for me.  But I'm willing to take one for the team.  It really cracks me up how many of you out there are so into this blog.  I was literally stopped on the street yesterday by someone who mentioned how much they like the posts about poop (Thanks, J.M.!).

Of course, if it's not poop, it's spit up.  I honestly don't know how my kid had anything left in her stomach after today.  Both Steve and Kelly had to change their shirts at one point this evening because they got it all over.  Deep down inside I had a moment of pure happiness when Steve got it tonight.  Past behavior by our child has shown that she's a daddy's girl.  Tonight I thought maybe, just maybe, she's mommy's girl, too.

I blame the spit up on her newest trick.  Evelyn has started rolling from her back to her belly.  It's so amazing.  She does it so quickly.  As soon as you roll her back over, she's showing off again.  And she looks so proud of herself, too.  There are a few problems with this, though.  She's so eager to roll that as soon as you put her down, she's off, despite the fact that she's just eaten.  Holding her is no better, because she just wiggles around in your lap and spits up then, too.  I've been spit up on so much today, I even need a bath.

Here's the other problem.  She doesn't exactly like being on her tummy for that long, but she hasn't figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back.  So she sits there for a few minutes, and then starts crying.  My plan was to let her fuss it out and then at least try to start rolling onto her back.  Not happening.  She will fuss, and fuss, and fuss until you flip her back over.  She promptly rolls back to her tummy, and you are right back where you were 30 seconds earlier.  But she's so darn cute when she rolls over.

And when all else fails and your fussy kid, who still doesn't sleep through the night, is driving you crazy, call up a good friend, whose kid is teething and driving her crazy, and head out and smell the tulips!  Just make sure you bring your ear plugs...and extra sets for all the others who don't have babies and are trying to enjoy the flowers.


  1. hahaha! love this one!! our babies our adorable!!

  2. They sure are! I love our weekly walks!
