I've been very lucky during my tenure as a Stay at Home Mom to have grown very close to Theresa, another teacher whose son is Evelyn's best little friend, and if things don't work out with Prince George, maybe her future husband, too.
Theresa and I actually both had to go to work yesterday because we were asked to mentor new teachers. When you've been home for over eight months, or a year in Theresa's case, you really have to get yourselves mentally prepared for that first day back to work:
I should find a purse or something. I haven't carried a purse in 8 months! What goes in a purse?I guess I will go take care of getting my stuff all together instead of chowing down on leftover fruit dip! I'm going to have to stop pumping though.I swear I could eat this stuff with a spoon.- Theresa
So you can see where our priorities were the night before we went back to work.
All kidding aside, people keep asking me how I feel about going back to work. I know a lot of women say they can't wait to get back to work. They are bored at home and want the social interaction. I am not one of those women. It's not that I don't want to go back to work because I do like my job, I'm glad to have a job, and I'm extremely lucky to have been able to stay at home for eight months. I'm not against working. The thing is, I just like being at home with my baby more!
I'm not worried about other people taking care of her. We are so lucky that we have family taking care of her for a few days and have found the best day care we could for the other days. I'm really excited that she's going to get to spend some time with her grandmother and aunts, and some days with other kids. If I'm not taking care of her, I feel really good about our child care situation.
So this morning (after a night that she slept from 8:15 until 6:15, woot woot! But I was lying in bed wondering if the milk was thawing properly in the fridge.) I fed her, dressed her, played with her, and took a page out of my dad's book. I got out the camera and took some first day of school pictures.
I did search my computer to look for pictures of myself on various first days, from kindergarten through driving away to college, but, alas, the only pictures I could find had other people in them who probably wouldn't appreciate their picture showing up in my blog.
I would like to take a minute to mention something in this post. I am going to try really hard as I go back to work to not complain about it at all in my blogging because even though I won't be spending all day, everyday with my sweet girl, there are people who don't get to see their kids at all. Most of you know my family, and know that my brother is a Marine helicopter pilot. He was deployed last week to Afghanistan and will be gone for seven months. He will miss spending that time with his little man, Marshall, and he will also not be there when his next little man is born in November. Every time I get overwhelmed or miss my girl I will remember that I get to go home to her every night. Then I will send AJ an email, or Marshall a postcard, or Katie a text to let them know that we are thinking about them and can't wait until they are all together again!
And to close, just checked in with Steve about how drop off went. No problems whatsoever. She started playing immediately and went right to the teacher. We will see how long I make it today before going to pick her up!
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