Friday, July 26, 2013


When you reach certain milestones in your life people feel the need to ask you certain questions.  It doesn't matter who you are because your family, friends, acquaintances, and total strangers are going to ask you the same questions.  Examples:

High School:
What colleges did you get into?
Where are you going to go?
What are you going to study?
Do you have a boyfriend?  (Ok, that one might be reserved to just my family, but maybe not?  And for those who care, the answer was generally no.)

How's your roommate?
Do you like your classes?
How's the food?
What's your major?
Do you have a boyfriend? (Again, maybe just my family? The answer during college was always no...I wasn't about to date any of those Salve boys!)

After college:
Do you have a job?
Do you have a boyfriend?  (I think my family was worried about me.  Eventually the answer was yes, and he was the best guy ever!)

After getting engaged:
When are you getting married?
Where are you getting married?
Did you get a dress?
What are your colors?
When are you going to have a baby? Not even joking.

While Pregnant:
When are you due?
Is it a boy or girl?
What are you going to name the baby?

After baby is born:
Is it a boy or girl?  See #6 on my list of things I will never understand.
Is she big for her age?  (If one more person asks me this, I seriously am going to ask them if they are big for their age.)

Each of these series of questions eventually gets so annoying that at some point you considered tattooing the answers across your forehead.  But there is a new question people ask that has become my least favorite question of all time.  Anytime someone asks I want to burst into tears and scream and rip my hair out, and probably because I'm totally exhausted.  

Does she sleep through the night?

I know I've blogged about this before, so it's probably not much of a surprise that my kid just doesn't sleep through the night.  She has a million other amazing qualities that I am incredibly grateful for.  She has an awesome personality, she eats like a champ and has the rolls to prove it (I guess prompting the is she big question), and she's just flat out adorable.  But O. M. G. she is the worst sleeper.  Every once in a while Steve and I get a glimpse of what life with a sleeping baby could be like.  We will get a night or two of pure, sleeping bliss.  It's almost hard to enjoy it, though, because we know that it inevitably means nights of torture to come.  For example, Wednesday night she went from 8:30 until 5:00 the next morning and it was glorious to get hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Last night, however, she was up every three hours.  

When people ask the question, I just never know what to say.  I've tried the truth, and that inevitably leads to  looks of pity and people telling me about their amazing kids who slept through the night at something outlandish like 3 days old.  Or I get advice on how to get my baby to sleep through the night.  Seriously people, you think I haven't tried that?

Then I try lying.  And that usually brings such a crestfallen look to the asking parent's face that I try to backtrack.  "Oh, wait, no.  Your baby doesn't sleep either?  Mine doesn't, I swear!  I just figured your does, so I wanted to fit in.  Honestly, she doesn't!"  I think it makes the other parent feel worse.  

So it's a no win situation.  Until my baby finally decides to make sleeping through the night a habit, I will keep drinking coffee every morning out of the biggest mug I have in my kitchen.  And as I revel in each sip, I will hope and pray that maybe by the time it becomes seasonably appropriate to use this mug, Evelyn will be sleeping through the night!  And if it happens much sooner, possibly before I go back to work in a few weeks, that would be even better!
Found two sips left when I picked this up to take the picture.  Merry Christmas to me!  

1 comment:

  1. Not to be a nay-sayer, but it took YEARS for one of my kids, who shall remain namelss, to sleep much at all. Period. I would fall asleep trying to get that child to sleep, but the kid, no. Good luck!
