Monday, February 3, 2014

She's Definitely Our Kid

As Evelyn gets older it becomes more and more apparent that she is most definitely our child.  Not like there was every any kind of doubt, but honestly.  It's getting a little scary.

Here are some of the top reasons I know she was meant for us:

  1. She loves to read bookies.  For hours at a time.  And by she, I mean she loves ME to read her bookies.  The same 5 books over and over and over again even though she has about 50 that she could pick from.  One snow day I quite literally read her Brown Bear, Brown Bear 6 times in a row.  Then we moved on to But Not the Hippopotamus at least 4 times.  Don't get me wrong, I love that she loves reading.  She points to things in the pictures, she holds the books correctly, she turns pages.  She's definitely going to have her concepts about print mastered by the time she goes to school.  
  2. She's getting a little stubborn.  When she wants to read books, there is nothing going to get in the way.   When she wants the paci, hand it over.  She doesn't want this cup, she wants the other cup.  It's getting a little crazy. This is quite obviously a trait she has inherited from her father.  :)
  3. She cleans up after herself.  I have tried to get a picture of it, but she then wants to play with my phone and we're trying to put a stop to that (but it's really hard...the stubbornness you know.)  After dinner if you hand her a paper towel she will wipe off her tray.  This is another one that she gets from her dad.  
  4. She's not the best sleeper, like me.  She often wakes up a few times a night and has trouble falling back asleep.  I attribute my sleep troubles to stress, I really wish I knew what a one year old could be stressed about. 
  5. She spends her snow days eating everything she can find, mostly cookies.  She knows exactly where they are and walks over to the pantry and points and screeches until you give in.   
  6. She gets cabin fever, just like her dad.  Neither of them like being stuck inside for too long.  The cold weather and snow has been really hard.   I have had to make up countless errands to run so that we can get out on these freezing days we've been having.  We've made many trips to Target and made a few trips to the Exton Mall's indoor playground.  
  7. She likes the cold weather like her mom!  Apparently we could have been spending time outside instead of on pointless errands this whole time.  In an effort to change the scenery today we finally bundled Evelyn up and packed her into her little sled to try it out.  She LOVED it!  She waved at the other people shoveling and at me across the yard.  We even went out again later this afternoon for more sled fun!

I know it doesn't necessarily look like she's that into it, but as soon as I took the camera in out of the snow she started smiling and laughing!

I was going to try to make this list even between how she's like both of us, but it has become very lopsided.  I decided that's okay because I'm the one writing, so if it's more about me then that's just the way it's going to be for the time being!!  

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