I would like to start this blog by giving a shout out to all of the single parents out there. I am amazed by you all. Steve has been gone since Wednesday night and I am just about ready to throw in the towel.
Let's recount the past 24 hours...
Yesterday evening started out totally normal. Evelyn had a good dinner, she made Kaylee, Charlie, and I laugh and laugh with all the funny stuff she's doing these days. When it was time for tubby, we went up and played and played. Then she started doing this adorable thing where she flopped down on her belly in the water and stuck her cute little tush up in the air. And that's when things took a turn.
Suddenly out of that cute, little tush came some cute, little bubbles. I laughed, she laughed, and kept on playing. I reached for the towel and when I turned back, there was a brand new toy floating in the water. And that's literally what I thought. What on earth is that toy, and where did it come from??
I panicked. I managed to realize that I had to get her out of there quickly. I grabbed her and yelled for Charlie. Thank goodness he was here because he took Evelyn to play while I dealt with cleaning the tub.
We managed to recover, get dressed, bottled, and tried to get to bed. I think Evelyn realizes Steve is gone at bed time because she's been very difficult to put down for the past few nights. The bottle and putting to bed is usually Steve's job, and she normally goes down with no fuss. The past few nights have been rough. And between that and the 4 teeth that are ready to pop through her gums, she's been waking up at various points during the night and fussing for minute or two and then falling back asleep.
It was no different last night, or so I thought. When I went in finally this morning to give her a bottle and get ready for the day the first thing I noticed was the scent. I swear it smelled like licorice. I picked her up, started feeding her, and at some point began patting her belly, which I realized was damp. When I unzipped the jammies and felt her belly, it was soaked. Her diaper was absolutely saturated, inside and out. Suddenly an early morning tubby was a necessity. I did a quick tub, got her dressed, stripped her crib, threw in the laundry, and managed to get out of the house.
It wasn't until I was on my way to work, about the same time that I realized I forgot my lunch, that it dawned on me that I didn't even think to change my outfit, which was most likely covered with pee. Awesome.
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